About Us


Gading Counseling & Empowerment Center  is an individual and family counseling and development center in Kelapa Gading area. We offer services from counseling (face to face and online), coaching, counseling training, counseling supervision, psychological assessment, marital assessment and counseling, and employee assistance program (EAP).

Gading Counseling & Empowerment Center has been serving individuals, families and couples since in 2013, with full compassion we help each individual, family and institution that needs our counseling services.


To be a counseling center that can be a blessing and give guidance, hope and growth, and to strengthen every person, family, and institution entrusted.


  • We provide professional counseling services with social mind in heart as to God and also for others.
  • We involve individuals and families to support counseling services in prayer, efforts and funds
  • We form a social action and services for our society
  • Become a support system for religious institutions in serving pre-marital counseling for congregants
  • We provide counseling services for companies to improve their employees performance.

The Founders

Yakub. B. Susabda, Ph.D


DR. Rocky Saputra, M.A., M.M.


Michael Christian, M.A., M.Psi., Psikolog

Caezarro Rey Abishur & Stefanie Evangelyn

Our Counselors

Michael Christian, M.A., M.Psi., Psychologist
Executive Director & Counselor

Michael Christian, M.A., M.Psi. Psikolog is a counselor who has been serving counseling since 2004 and currently leads the Gading Counseling & Empowerment Center.

Completed his Bachelor of Psychology study at Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, and earned his Master of Arts in Counseling at STTRI. Apart from that, he also attended Post Graduate in Systemic Family Therapy advanced training at CCC Singapore and completed his Master in Clinical Psychology at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta. As an adult clinical psychologist, Michael has expertise in families, young adult, and adults.

Helena Kristiana Lumbantoruan, M.Th in Counseling

Helena Kristiana Lumbantoruan, S.E, M.Th in Counseling  is a counselor who holds a Master degree in Counseling at STTRI with experience as a school counselor and counselor coordinator in charge of various levels of education from several school branches. Helena has also done counseling for the TNI and their family and provided psycho-education regarding personality problems in marriage. With previous work experience in the field of Marketing and Communication which was strengthened by counseling skills, Helena was able to contribute to providing a psychological perspective in developing marketing tools to increase sales in a digital learning company. Helena is also a Certified Trainer who conducts training and seminars. With her experience, Helena has served clients with various problems including personal life, marriage, work, parent-child relationships, and other relationships.

Nani Priscilla, MTh. in Counseling

Nani Priscilla M. Th. in Counseling is a counselor who earned a Master degree in Counseling from STTRI Jakarta and attended advanced training from Counseling and Care Center Singapore in 2010. Nani has been serving counseling since 2009 and focuses on marriage clients, adults, youth, and children.

Sylvia Kurniawan, S. E, M.Th. in Counseling

Sylvia Kurniawan, S.E, M. Th. in Counseling is a counselor specializing in counseling children, adolescents, and young adults. Sylvia completed a postgraduate program in counseling at STTRI and has experience as a counselor in several schools. Experience in dealing with children to adolescence for a long time accompanied by counseling knowledge has become a provision for Sylvia to handle clients. In addition, her previous educational background in Bachelor of Audit has provided additional provision for Sylvia to understand the world of youth and young adult professionalism. Sylvia also specifically treats clients with anxiety, depression, and childhood trauma problems. 

Ugahary Riffung, S.Sos, M.Th. in Counseling

Ugahary Riffung, S.Sos, M.Th. in Counseling is a counselor specializing in youth, young adult, career, and financial counseling. Completed a postgraduate program in counseling at STTRI and has experience as a counselor in several schools. Riffung has experience in the field of Human Resources as Head of Talent Selection and Development which combines career counseling and assessment when selecting workers in companies. The provision previous educational background with a Bachelor degree in Communication Studies from FISIP University of Indonesia, has enabled Riffung to integrate counseling knowledge with her experience in the professional world.

Associate Counselors and Coach

Miming Haryanto, S.T, M.Th in Counseling,


Miming Haryanto, S.T, M.Th in Counseling, Associate Counselor Gading Counseling & Empowerment Center. Since young starting as a lay counselor to take a Masters in counseling. Miming has counseling experience with teenagers, adults, and even families with various cases, ranging from career counseling, addictions, and even relationships within the family. Miming has participated in various training events in Indonesia and abroad, such as behavior analysis training, trainer certification from BNSP, Behavior Consultant certification, leadership training in Singapore, and leadership training for community transformation in South Africa. Miming has also led trauma counseling teams in Manado, Bitung, and Aceh.

Yinatia Tjoa, M.A in Counseling


Yinatia Tjoa, M.A in Counseling,  Associate Counselor Gading Counseling & Empowerment Center has handled individual, couples, and family counseling since 2008. Completed Master of Arts in Counseling and attended advanced training in Emotional Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT) in Singapore and became a seminar speaker.

Jacub Muliady, PCC


Jacub Muliady, PCC is an Associate coach at Gading Counseling & Empowerment Center. Jacub is also an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and trainer who has served coachees since 2009 and has a passion for counseling and coaching. He received a CCS certificate from Lifespring in 2008 and continued the CBA program from QQ International, and received a certification in coaching skills from CRM-USA. He also studied leadership at the Eagles Leadership Center, Singapore, and is a Certified Master DISC Analyst from the Institute for Motivational Living Inc. and received a Certification in Neuroscience Coaching from Lambent Coaching Academy, UK, 2020.
