How to Contribute

This services is dedicated to the community socially, non-profit and non-SARA (Ethnicity, Racism, Religion). However we do our services proffesionally and responsible.
Your support for this services is truly meaningful for many people that we serve. Prayers, Efforts, and Funds are the essential factors needed for this counseling service.

Pray that:

  • This counseling services can be a blessing to the surrounding community in to find guidance, hope and growth, as well as strengthening every individual, family, and institution entrusted.
  • Counselors are given more ability to help clients so that there will be significant growth and change in the client and their family
  • This counseling center can run well and prosper so that it can grow bigger and we can help more people and families who are in need

We truly appreciate  every efforts that you could provided. We welcome every person who are willing to help our team for social media, video logs, and graphic design.

FUND support for this service can be given to the Harapan Indonesia Counseling Foundation account at BCA account number 748.063.8802 (a/n Yayasan Konseling Harapan Indonesia).
